Kids love videos – all teachers know that! My students actually cheer when they know I'm about to put a video on – even before they know what it is. This is precisely why including videos in your math lessons can be an incredibly useful mode of instruction – especially when teaching fractions.

Fractions can be a tough concept to grasp. But entertaining and interactive math videos can make understanding fractional concepts so much easier for your students – and so much more fun!
The following list of videos offers a variety of catchy fraction-themed songs, informational visuals and graphics, and exceptional explanations regarding all things fractions!! Most of the videos are appropriate for a range of ages and will not only capture your student’s attention but keep them engaged and learning! I hope you find them as instrumental in teaching fractions as I have!
Let’s Learn Fractions (2:39)
This is so simple and straightforward – a great way to introduce the principle of fractions to your students. Using visual representations to express fractions that we see in everyday life, this video will help children to learn and recognize fractions all around them! The graphics are big, bold, and bright and your kids will leave this video with concrete knowledge about basic fractions.
Intro to Fractions: All About Fractions for Kids (2:26)
Another great introduction to fractions, this video doesn’t feature a song, but it does offer a really clear explanation of basic fractional concepts. The graphics are super clean and easy to follow without a lot of fluff or distraction. To help your students fully understand the foundation of fractions, this video is perfection.
Numerator and Denominator Song (2:50)
Understanding numerators and denominators is a core concept when it comes to fractions. With this video, your students will never be confused about what part of the fraction is the numerator and which is the denominator. Using cute letter-tricks to help students remember, this video clearly explains this concept in a fun song!
Fractions-Fractions Song (3:31)
This video’s all about simple fractions – they're parts of a whole! Your students will get a kick out of singing about halves, thirds, quarters, numerators, and denominators with this catchy tune! Plus, the constant repeating of the phrase “parts of a whole”, will really reinforce the basic concept of fractions to your class. Simple, straightforward, and effective – you can’t go wrong with this video when introducing fractions.
Fractions: Halves and Quarters (4:39)
This is a great video because it offers real life application of fractions. Using a combination of animation and real people, this video uses food to express the concept of halves and quarters. I love how it starts off with two people sharing a candy bar and then transitions into animated examples – making it great for a range of age groups! Plus, it’s nice to have a video that focuses on a very narrow but important fractional concept.
Equivalent Fractions Songs for Kids (2:10)
(click the title above to open this video in a new tab)
When it comes to math songs for kids, NUMBEROCK is by far one of my favorites! With clever rhymes and an upbeat tune, your kids won’t be able to get this song out of their heads. And that’s a good thing because the lyrics really help students gain a deeper understanding of equivalent fractions! Not to mention the amazing use of graphics and number lines!
Equivalent Fractions (HANDS ON ACTIVITY) (12:06)
This video is perhaps more for the teachers than the kids, but it is simply too good to not include. You should watch this first to understand and prep for this activity, then you can pick and choose parts of the video to your class while you perform the activity. It is hands-down one of the most effective activities to help all of your students understand fractions. Watch it, prep it, and show it to your class while they do the activity or right before – you won’t regret it!!
Equivalent Fractions-Christine Munafo's Flipped Classroom (5:05)
Whether you use a flipped or semi-flipped classroom model or not, this is a great video – all of Christine Munafo's videos are wonderful. I used to post these on my class website for kids to reference after we watched them. She has a really easy-to-understand way of explaining math concepts – and the way she approaches equivalent fractions is one of my favorites. It's not fancy and has no catchy song, but I promise you will find her explanation as useful as I have – and so will your kids! (She made this for 4th graders, so it is best for more advanced kids in younger grades or older elementary.)
Fractions on a Number Line – Mr. Pearson Teaches 3rd Grade (7:27)
Okay, this is not the most creative or exciting video in the world – but it does a GREAT job of explaining fractions on a number line. This is a concept that I ALWAYS struggled to teach and have found great success with the clear and concise explanation that this video gives. More suitable for older elementary grades due to the larger amount of textual explanation. A solid building block for understanding fractions on a number line.
Fractions on Number Lines (3:55)
If the previous video was a bit to bland for you, this one may suit your needs better. It takes an interesting approach to the sometimes tricky concept of fractions on a number line. Using bright graphics to express fractions, this video translates them into inequalities and then translates those onto a number line. The video has a nice flow that offers a good strategy for kids to understand not only how, but why we put fractions on a number line.
Other Fraction Resources
If you’re teaching fractions and looking for some great resources to help your students grasp this concept, take a look at these resources. They are all written by a teacher-author who has her master’s degree in elementary mathematics and knows what it takes to get kids to understand mathematical concepts.
Lucky to Learn Math Fractions Unit (coming soon!)
Fractions Math Notebook
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