Anchor charts are an awesome way to quickly display key concepts. They are versatile visual tools that can be used across all subject areas. Most likely, you and your students have put in a lot of time, energy, and brain power to make an anchor chart that truly...
Classroom Procedures: Organization Hacks
Most students get excited to go shopping for school supplies. They pick out their favorite color folders and choose the markers they think are just right. School supplies are FUN, but teachers have a school supply issue they must tackle. Where to keep it all? AND can...
All About Math Exit Ticket Boards
A teacher finishes teaching a math lesson she feels went well, but she wants to assess how well her students understand it. (Without giving a formal test!) This is the EXACT situation where math exit ticket boards come in handy! Read below for math exit ticket...
Free 2nd Grade Math Centers and Launch Kit
Here at Lucky Little Learners, we are always looking for ways to bring the fun of learning to our math lessons! So that's just what we have done with our engaging 2nd grade math centers. Your students will have so much fun with these bright-colored and fast-moving...
The Lucky Little Teacher Toolkit
Digging through stacks of anchor charts and messy little desks for reference materials is exhausting! The Lucky Little Toolkit has all the tools your students will need. It is a great option for BOTH classroom and distance learning. Think of it like a binder that has...
Lucky Little Toolkit (Lifesaver!)
Back to School. A time of year when teachers get all the feels. Excited to start a new year with new students. Nervous for that first day of school! Sadness watching the last few sunny summer days slip away. 2020 added in a new level of feelings. Educators around the...
11 Amazon Organization Tools For Your Classroom
As a teacher, having an organized classroom is a must. Achieving this, however, can be super tough! With all of the paper, supplies, and learning resources necessary to do our jobs properly, keeping the classroom organized is usually a year-long struggle. However,...
2nd Grade Math Schedule
The key when planning your 2nd grade math schedule is to keep procedures and time consistent from day to day. This way students know what to expect whether you're there or a sub is there in your place. Also, if the flow is predictable, kids can spend their energy on...
2nd Grade Math Centers: Launching & Management
Whether you are launching 2nd grade math centers at the beginning of the school year or even mid-year, it is essential that you go through the necessary steps to lay the foundation for the successful management of math center time. Angie's Advice Before diving in,...
How to Set Up Math Centers
Math centers setup is a very important piece of a successful math centers time. Questions to consider would be the following: Are the materials organized in a way that easy for the students to understand? Does everything have an intentional place for organization? Do...