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Easy Way To Make an Audio Recording into a Video

Tech Tips, Technology

Written by: Angie Olson

You can easily make your own audio recording to share to YouTube, embed in Google Forms, or use on other apps or platforms that allow videos but not audio recordings. There's no need to sit in front of the camera or do a screen recording. Here is an easy way to make an audio recording into a video.

Step 1: Install the Cloud Audio Recorder

Begin by adding the Chrome Extension, Cloud Audio Recorder. It’s free and simple to install. Here are the simple steps to install the Cloud Audio Recorder to Google Chrome. 

1. Log on to your Google Drive.

2. Go to the Waffle. These are the nine tiny boxes in the corner of your browser for applications on Drive.

3. Scroll to the bottom of the waffle menu.

4. Choose “More from (G Suite) Marketplace”. If you are not a G Suite user, it may just say Marketplace. 

5. Search for Cloud Audio Recorder (Chrome Extension). Install and add to your Google Drive.

6. Open the Cloud Audio Recorder in your Chrome Browser. It is available in the waffle.

Step 2: Recording Audio in Cloud Audio Recorder

Next, you’ll want to record your audio with Cloud Audio Recorder. This is your first step in making an audio recording into a video. 

1. Go to the Cloud Audio Recorder and push start.

2. Begin reading and recording your voice. 

3. Push stop on the Cloud Audio Recorder.

6. Click “Export as MP3”.

7. Click Save to your computer. You may also save to Google Drive. If this is your first time using the extension, it will have you authorize your Google Drive. 

If you save to Google Drive, follow steps 8-10

8. Choose the folder you want to save the audio file to in your Google Drive.

9. Click save to Google Drive.

10. You'll see a green “uploaded to Drive” as a confirmation.

Step 3: Audioship.io to Make an Audio Recording into a Video

1. Go to audioship.io. This is a simple site to make an audio recording into a YouTube Video. This site allows for one hour of uploads for free.

2. Go to upload. Link to your YouTube account then upload your mp3/audio file to the site.

3. Choose the image you want. You may upload your own picture or choose one of the examples provided.

4. Choose a title that shows your students what the audio recording (turned video) is about. 

5. Delete the YouTube description.

6. Choose the Privacy Status. I usually choose unlisted so it is not public, but I can share the link with my students.

7. Click Post All Videos to YouTube. You may post multiple videos at once. The process time depends on the length of the videos.

8. Once the video is processed, click share to grab the link or the embed code. You can share the videos to Classroom, SeeSaw, or even embed in Google Forms!

This easy way to make an audio recording into a video will help you share instructions for your students in one place. Add audio recordings to your already existing YouTube channel to make sure your lucky little learners have all the tools they need to be successful in your classroom!

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You can easily make your own audio recording to share to YouTube, embed in Google Forms, or use on other apps or platforms that allow videos but not audio recordings. There's no need to sit in front of the camera or do a screen recording. Here is an easy way to make an audio recording into a video.


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