When it comes to teaching, having a set of tools or a special area for kids to breathe is incredibly important. That's where Calm Down Corners come in! They are a small designated area in your classroom where kids can decompress and try to relax when they are feeling overwhelmed. Below you can find a comprehensive list of sensory tools that will be perfect additions to your Calm Down Corner!
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Calm Down Kit
Before we dive into the sensory tools, let's check out another key piece: the strategies you'll want to teach kids to help them gain self-control. These tips are all part of our super helpful Calm Down Kit!
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What to Put in a Calm Down Box
Now let's get right into it! Here are my absolute favorite sensory tools to include in a calm down box, and also some effective things to have on hand for your calm down corner.
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Calm Down Kit
If you want to be successful with having a calm down corner in your classroom, it's essential to both set up a dedicated space and have effective strategies in your teacher toolbox. We've got you covered with our comprehensive Calm Down Kit!
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