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Home » Blog » classroom management » 4 High Engagement Classroom Management Tools to Try Today!

4 High Engagement Classroom Management Tools to Try Today!

classroom management

Written by: Jess Dalrymple

If you're looking for engaging and effective classroom management tools, (and you'd also love to keep it simple) you're in the right spot. In this post, we'll introduce you to our top four “must-have” management tools primary teachers are loving right now. Say goodbye to complicated token systems, tracking points, pulling cards, and elaborate charts – for good!

The goal of classroom management is to have a classroom where kids can learn and grow without a lot of interruptions and distractions. So let's make sure our management systems aren't causing disruptions and distractions either! Here are a few fresh and easy ideas to help out!

1. Waiting Room

Looking to cut down on the line at your desk and those forever-raised hands? Just like taking a ticket at the DMV, students can grab their unique number and make the most of their waiting time. While they wait their turn to chat with the teacher, they can dive into other tasks, work quietly, or even read until their number is called.

waiting room set up with nummbered clothespins at the teachers desk

This is a classroom management trick that turns wait time into productive time!

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2. Monthly Management Characters

How would you like to start the day so quiet and focused it feels like a peaceful Sunday morning? Our monthly little characters were designed to keep the noise level down and the motivation up. Every day, students will enter the classroom excited to locate the hidden character. (You can teach them to do this with their eyes, and not their running feet!) Let kids know that their magical friend is watching, and might even leave a message if they observe kindness, cooperation and hard work (or whatever character trait you are focusing on!)

teddy the bear and molly the mitten hiding behind wall displays in a classroom

This doesn't have to turn into masters-level ‘Elf on the Shelf' setup either. It is just as effective to simply place the character in a new hiding spot before you go home at the end of the day. And you can change out the character with the season, or even each month if you want to keep things fresh! We love that classroom characters bring some childhood magic into the school routine and give so much positive reinforcement at the same time.

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3. Musical Picture Brain Breaks

Brain breaks are so important for our little learners, but a lot of brain break activities can lead to chaos in the classroom. Here's an idea kids love, but without the chaos. Musical pictures! (It's like taking the fun of musical chairs, but without the chairs and WITH order!) This classroom management tool prevents the behaviors before they begin by getting kids moving in a fun and organized way!

kids playing musical pictures

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4. Google Slides

Wait.. How are Google Slides classroom management tools, you might be thinking? It's simple. Displaying slides throughout the day keeps everyone on the same page and reduces the need for repetitive explanations.

Centralize all the essential information for the class such as the day's agenda, learning objectives, assignments, and important announcements. Students know that they can always refer to the slides to find the information they need.

morning slide with objectives, specials, and reminders displayed on a classroom smart board
All Access member? Download Daily Teaching Slides here.

Teaching slides can be a game changer for managing transitions between stations or centers. Cut out downtime and any possible interruptions when you give students a clear visual of what comes next. Setup for you is as easy as a click to set the screen from one day to the next!

digital reading centers dispoayed in on the classroom smart board
Member? Download Google Rotation Slides free.

Imagine a world where you are not having to repeat yourself 100 times a day! A big perk of using teaching slides is that you don't have to keep saying the same things over and over. Just point students to the right slide! We have more teaching slide hacks here.

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Classroom management is something every single teacher is always working on. Even the best systems and routines can get thwarted with different personalities, the time of year, special events, holidays, or even a full moon situation! That's why it's essential to keep tricks up your sleeve to keep everybody on their toes! We hope these new classroom management tools make a positive impact this year!

1 Comment

  1. Hannah Baker

    I am going to implement the “Waiting Room” strategy in my classroom this year! I started using Google Slides a few years ago and they were a life saver. I couldn’t run my classroom without them now.


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