Category: Routines & Procedures
10 Morning Message Ideas

10 Morning Message Ideas

The classroom morning meeting is one of the most important parts of the school day. It is where students can share, connect, listen, laugh, and learn! A great morning meeting sets the tone for the day. Using a morning message is a fun way to engage your students and...

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Morning Work Ideas to Implement Now!

Morning Work Ideas to Implement Now!

The buses have arrived and students shuffle into classrooms to take their seats. They wander around the room. "Now what?" the teacher asks. What do students do while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive and the day to officially start? Luckily, there is an easy...

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Emergency Sub Plans for 1st and 2nd Grade

Emergency Sub Plans for 1st and 2nd Grade

A wise teacher knows to expect the unexpected. Sick days. Quarantine. Mental health days. Chances are you may need to take a day away from the classroom this year! Be prepared for the unexpected and take the stress out of substitute lesson prep with these ideas for...

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Setting Up A Daily School Routine

Setting Up A Daily School Routine

Ask any veteran teacher, “What’s the best way to create a positive and productive environment in your classroom?” and you’ll hear the same answer over and over. Our young students thrive in a safe and consistent environment, so setting up a daily school routine is...

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How to Use Directed Drawings in the Classroom

How to Use Directed Drawings in the Classroom

Have you tried directed drawings with your students yet? They are a really fun way to work on following directions, fine motor skills, stamina, and focus. Additionally, most kids love drawing!  Despite our best efforts, there are always students in our class who...

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2nd Grade Classroom Procedures (Part 1)

2nd Grade Classroom Procedures (Part 1)

Having basic classroom procedures in place can make your school days run so much more smoothly! Everyone knows where materials belong and what to do in common situations (like when your pencil needs to be sharpened or when it's time to walk in the hallway). This means...

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2nd Grade Classroom Procedures (Part 2)

2nd Grade Classroom Procedures (Part 2)

Having basic classroom procedures in place means fewer interruptions when teachers are working with kids, better organization, and lower stress overall! We asked veteran 2nd grade teachers to share their favorite classroom procedures and we got hundreds of fantastic...

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The Lucky Little Teacher Toolkit

The Lucky Little Teacher Toolkit

Digging through stacks of anchor charts and messy little desks for reference materials is exhausting! The Lucky Little Toolkit has all the tools your students will need. It is a great option for BOTH classroom and distance learning. Think of it like a binder that has...

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Tips For a New 2nd Grade Teacher

Tips For a New 2nd Grade Teacher

Are you a new 2nd grade teacher? Welcome to the BEST grade! Second graders love their teachers, love school, and are creative and funny! They are eager to learn and soak up content like sponges. Below are the best tips for taking on grade two and all the fun that...

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Keep Students Learning With Summer Review Packets!

Keep Students Learning With Summer Review Packets!

Teachers and parents are always looking for ways to keep kids learning during the summer months. But there's no need to spend time digging through files or collecting a variety of worksheets. Here's everything you need to make summer review packets your students will...

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Hey there!  I’m Angie, owner of Lucky Little Learners. Our #1 goal is to support K-2 teachers.  We provide unlimited access to over 20,000 printables that are aligned to your standards.
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