Calling all 1st & 2nd-grade teachers! Get ready for back to school with our August Math Centers. Back to school is all about reviewing and making sure that students have the basics from their previous grade mastered. Let’s push back on some of that summer slide...
Free 2nd Grade Math Centers and Launch Kit
Here at Lucky Little Learners, we are always looking for ways to bring the fun of learning to our math lessons! So that's just what we have done with our engaging 2nd grade math centers. Your students will have so much fun with these bright-colored and fast-moving...
How to Use Digital Math and Literacy Centers on SeeSaw
Using digital math and literacy centers with your lucky little learners helps them practice skills related to reading, writing, number sense, basic skills, and more! How can you make your digital Math and Literacy centers even more engaging for your students? Add them...
Fall Math Centers
It's officially fall so it's time to bust out those October and November Math Centers, friends! Yep, grab them out of of your file cabinet or tote and get them into your students' hands. Let's walk through the centers for the month! Below there are examples from both...
Math Center FAQ’s & Answers
This post highlights all the math center FAQ's and Answers that are asked often. Don't see your question answered? Comment on the post and I will get it added! Math Center FAQ's & Answers Do you correct the center activities? Short answer, no. Feel...
1st and 2nd Grade Math Schedule
The key when planning your 1st or 2nd grade math schedule is to keep procedures and time consistent from day to day. This way students know what to expect whether you're there or a sub is there in your place. Also, if the flow is predictable, kids can spend their...
Math Center Activities
Math centers are a very important part of the math block but you must have enough math center activities to keep your students engaged all year. The math center activities should be fairly independent and it's ideal if they are hands-on, engaging, and self-correcting...
2nd Grade Math Centers: Launching & Management
Whether you are launching 2nd grade math centers at the beginning of the school year or even mid-year, it is essential that you go through the necessary steps to lay the foundation for the successful management of math center time. Angie's Advice Before diving in,...
How to Set Up Math Centers
Math centers setup is a very important piece of a successful math centers time. Questions to consider would be the following: Are the materials organized in a way that easy for the students to understand? Does everything have an intentional place for organization? Do...
How to Organize Math and Literacy Centers
Teaching math and literacy in the primary grades involves a lot of tools and papers, especially in your centers. So how do we organize our math and literacy centers? The key to effective center planning is top-notch math center organization of all your materials....